Acupuncture to Treat Peptic Ulcers | Acupuncture is my Life

Video Source: CASES: more ACUPUNCTURE: https://acupunctureismylife.comPeptic ulcers are sores that form on the lining of the gastric and duodenal walls often caused by an H. pylori bacterial infection or frequent use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Acupuncture

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Fotoshooting mit Sarah an der ORANGERIE in Kassel & an der Fulda

Video Source: fotoshooting natur#Orangerie #Kassel #Fotoshooting In der Natur kein #Filter und ohne #Bildbearbeitung...Danke an Sarah die als #Fotomodell mitwirkte... Personenfotografie ist neu für mich, hier war mein Focus dass in der Natur authentische Natur-Fotos entstehen sollten. Freue mich wenn ihr mir folgt. LG Doris Nikon D3200 und I

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Acupuncture to Treat Abdominal Pain | Acupuncture is my Life

Video Source: pain can be a result of cold invasion, traumatic injuries, emotional stress, and improper diet. Along with speaking to a nutritionist and your primary care physician, seeking acupuncture for abdominal pain can be very beneficial. Are you interested in learning more about acupuncture and how it can

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